After completion of the application and submission of the initial required documents, an Assessment Fee of AED 525, inclusive of VAT (non-refundable and non-transferable) per student is due to move forward with school admissions in Dubai and booking an assessment.
Sign and remit the Acceptance Letter with Terms and Conditions of Admission to directly to the admissions department with the Registration Fee of AED 2000/ per student (EYFS) and AED 2500/ per student (Y1-Y6).
These should be submitted within (5 days) of the date on the offer letter to secure their seat. This fee is not refundable but is adjustable against the first term’s tuition fees.
(These documents can be emailed to the Admissions Lead – to complete the registration.)
*Transfer Certificate for Students enrolling from a school outside of Dubai Government regulation requires a transfer certificate for all children from the child’s current school from Year 2 upwards in order to facilitate the correct placement.
For students coming from the United Kingdom, Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and the USA, the Transfer Certificate only needs the school stamp and signature of the Head of School.
For students coming from any other country, the Transfer Certificate must be attested by: The Ministry of Education*, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs*, and The UAE Consulate [if no Consulate, then any other Arab country’s embassy or consulate]*, from the country which the student is leaving.
For Students coming from any GCC countries (Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi), the Transfer Certificate need only be attested by the Ministry of Education of that country.
Transfer Certificate for Students enrolling from another Dubai school
Government regulation requires a leaving certificate for all children from the child’s current school from FS2 upwards in order to facilitate the correct placement. This should be requested from the school the child has left and usually, a charge will be implemented from that school of AED 120 to process the leaving certificate.
Important Note About the Transfer Certificate
Note that your child cannot start school until you have submitted the Transfer Certificate. Should the ‘Transfer Certificate’ be delayed for some reason, approval for your children to start at Arcadia Global without it can be obtained from the Principal and you then have 8 weeks in which time to submit it before we have to remove your children until the Transfer Certificate has been submitted.
Admission Contact
Shazia Khaleel
Founding Admissions Lead